Contact us

our studio is easily accessible

We are located directly at the Marjánka tram stop opposite the elementary school. Ring the bell, enter the entrance of house no. 39 (the door next to the Synlab collection center) and take the elevator to the third floor. 

Tram no. and station: 22 & 25 Marjánka


Pilates & Flow

Bělohorská 39

Praha 6 - Břevnov

+420 778 070 764


Owner information:

Pilates &Flow s.r.o., 

Bělohorská 260/39, Prague 6 - Břevnov, 169 00 

Company registered in the commercial register, file number C 405394, held at the Municipal Court in Prague 

ID 21708487; we are not VAT payers, 

Data box: tqzr7c7, Bank connection: no. 2002909137/2010 Fio banka, a.s 

Owner: Dagmar Holadová, company executive